Friday 21 September 2007

A Smoker's and Dog's Guide to the Gal-Alexy

A Smoker's and Dog's Guide to the Gal-Alexy

A Year of random thoughts which lead me from insanity to sanity and back again.
By Bess Howard McPherson
ISBN: 978-1-84747-183-3
Published: 2007
Pages: 90
Key Themes: mania, psychosis, spirituality
Bess Howard McPherson brings us her thoughts in this explosive and intimate biography. Bess' experiences as a sufferer of mental illness, a life as a physic and a divorcee are all included in this testimony. This is a classic Chipmunka book; full of humour, emotion and alternative ideas.
About the Author
The beauty of being a psychic is that one is never alone. My channel is usually extremely overcrowded and hectic. Sometimes I can't help wishing that those dear people who have 'passed' would give me some peace for my own thoughts! I needed medication in order to live with my husband who, with hindsight, I consider to be completely insane. I also needed medication to help me survive the war zone that was my divorce.
Book Extract
Bewdley Town Centre needs an avenging angel, but it's not me. Being selfish is usually quite a nasty criticism. However, if we need to be selfish in order to achieve something that is going to benefit others in the long run, then we should be as selfish as we like. If and when my book gets published, I would like it to be a book of home truths that will be an inspiration to others.
The Christmas card debate: every year I think about the pros and cons of sending millions of cards at Christmas. The conclusion I have reached this year is that if we enjoy writing cards, then they're a good thing. If they're like some boring chore, then we shouldn't bother. For me personally I like writing cards, because it is an opportunity for me to express my love for people. I shall certainly be sending Christmas cards this year.
I've always wondered why God made so many flies. One possible thought is that 'Blue Arsed Flies' make us realise we're not the only ones rushing around achieving absolutely nothing.
I believe I have all the tricks of the trade to teach my family how to have some fun. Yesterday was such a black day I found it impossible to work on my book. The row between my husband and I had reached its apex and we managed to send each other to hell.
I'm not afraid of superstition, even though I don't understand it. I think we're less afraid of anything we've grown up with. I must be careful of naming people in my book, because I would never want to become a 'Kiss and Tell'. It seems that people who are mentally ill suffer fewer physical problems. A bad man is scary, but an unintentionally bad woman is terrifying. My book is going so well I think I may need a bigger desk. God allows us to judge ourselves through our consciences. We have no greater judge than ourselves.

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